Dog Vomits: Why do your puppy Vomit after Eating

Vernon Dog Training
6 min readFeb 6, 2021


The dog vomited — an unpleasant phenomenon that almost every dog ​​breeder has to deal with quite often. There are many reasons, some of them are completely harmless, while others require immediate medical attention. What to do if a dog is vomiting and when it is time to seek help from a veterinary clinic, every owner of a four-legged friend should know.

What it means: vomiting dog

The body of animals is capable of self-healing. If the dog burps, it may just be defensive. Vomiting is a reflex eruption of the entire contents of the stomach. This allows you to remove foreign objects or harmful food and toxic substances outside the body.

In order not to miss a disease in a dog, you need to be careful about it.

Note! Vomiting in animals and humans is not an independent disease, it is a consequence of the development of other problems.

Types of vomiting, symptoms and possible danger

Vomiting in a puppy and an adult dog is divided into several varieties in accordance with the classification accepted in medicine. Each type of this reflex is accompanied by the development of specific symptoms:

Physiological vomiting:

Dogs regurgitate undigested food for their puppies to avoid choking on particulate matter.

As a result of overeating. The animal should receive food in metered quantities, since most of them do not know the sense of proportion.

Pathological eruption of the stomach:

Diseases as a result of the development of which the central nervous system is affected: brain tumors, abscess, encephalitis, meningitis.

With hepatic and renal failure, animals manifest not only vomiting, but also diarrhea.

Development pathologies or diseases of the digestive system: good or malignant neoplasms, gastritis, ulcers.

Important! Regular overeating leads to the development of diseases of the digestive system of the animal.

The gag reflex also has other varieties.

1.Single vomiting

With the development of this form, the animal vomits for a long time, but the urge is abundant, but short-lived.

2.One-time vomiting

Is mainly caused by eating poor-quality food or overeating. In addition, there is a painful and apathetic look, the dog is lethargic and detached. This type may indicate the defeat of the body by parasites, for example, worms.


It is characterized by infrequent urges, but a new wave of deterioration rolls over and over again. First, food debris comes out, then yellow, green or white foam, bile is observed. These symptoms indicate irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.


Vomit with this type of pathology contains bloody blotches, may be pink in color. This symptom indicates ruptures of the mucous membranes in the area between the mouth and the upper small intestine.

Important! Foreign sharp objects, ulcers and tumors can provoke damage to the mucous membranes.

If the color of the vomit is dark brown, this indicates the digestion of erythrocytes by gastric juice, therefore, the duodenum or the stomach itself is affected.


It occurs against the background of depression, stress. Often, a domestic puppy vomits due to severe fright or stress caused by a move, surgery, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc. The dog can constantly vomit when it starts to be nervous, worried, or during periods of excitement.

When faced with a similar problem for the first time, it is very difficult to identify a possible provoking factor. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in amateur performances; it is better to show the pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

6.Vomiting with diarrhea

The dog vomits yellow foam with liquid: why is this happening If your dog is vomiting and vomiting, this is a good reason to show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Vomit in combination with diarrhea and fever, as a rule, develops against the background of an acute infectious disease or poisoning. If the dog does not eat, drink, and vomits for a long time, then it must be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic.

Important! The rapid loss of fluid leads to the development of dehydration, this condition is very dangerous.

If the temperature is lowered or, conversely, increased, this indicates the development of an infectious disease. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis, intestinal plague, leptospirosis. All these pathologies lead to death if time is lost.

The main causes of Vomiting in Dogs

There are many provoking factors, due to which short-term or repeated urges can be observed. It is quite difficult or almost impossible to identify a reliable factor at home, so it is better to seek help from a doctor.

  • The main reasons why a dog vomits:
  • poisoning and ingestion of foreign objects;
  • viral diseases;
  • heatstroke;
  • damage to the body by helminths.

Each condition is accompanied by the development of a certain clinical picture; the approach to treatment is also completely different.


Anything that has a toxic effect on it can be called a poison for the body. Unfortunately, some poisons attract the attention of animals, and they seem very appetizing to them. The result is poisoning.

  • The main signs of poisoning:
  • nausea, the animal may regurgitate or vomit;
  • hallucinations;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse salivation;
  • convulsions and coma.

In some cases, eating an unknown object leads to the death of the animal. Therefore, if signs of intoxication are detected, it is better not to hesitate and take the pet to the hospital. The doctor, with the help of drugs, will delay the absorption of toxic substances from the stomach, and also stimulate the excretion of poisons.

2.Viral and infectious diseases

The majority of unvaccinated pets are susceptible to the development of viral diseases. The pathogen can enter the dog’s body through food, water, grass, and also through contact with other animals.

The most common diseases:

  • Acute infectious hepatitis is a highly contagious disease that affects the function of the kidneys, liver and blood vessels. It is accompanied by a complete lack of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting with mucus and occasionally with bloody spots.
  • Parvovirus infection affects the epithelial cells of the digestive system, adversely affects the work of the heart, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. Any dog ​​can infect the disease, but mainly puppies up to 5 months old become victims. The main symptoms of development are abdominal distention and acute pain, lethargy and lack of appetite.

The listed diseases without drug therapy will inevitably lead to the death of the animal. To prevent the development of deadly diseases, you need to regularly vaccinate the diseases.


Animals, like humans, do not tolerate high temperatures very well. As soon as the ambient temperature approaches the body temperature of the animal, the rapid breathing for the purpose of cooling becomes ineffective.

  • The main symptoms of heatstroke are:
  • rectal temperature exceeds 40 degrees;
  • noisy and rapid breathing;
  • vomiting;
  • redness of the mucous membranes and tongue;
  • thickening of saliva and its viscosity.

To alleviate the condition of the pet, it must be placed in a cool place. In more difficult cases it is necessary to spray with hoses.

4.Vomiting during pregnancy

If a dog vomits during pregnancy, this indicates the development of toxicosis in its body. This condition develops as a result of a malfunction of the mechanisms responsible for detoxification. The body is poisoned by its own decay products.

Not all dogs are prone to the development of toxicosis. Only all decorative and pocket breeds, as well as mastiffs, boxers, Bordeaux dogs, English bulldogs are subject to this problem.

Important! Toxicosis can develop even with false pregnancy, that is, pregnancy that has not occurred.

Signs preceding Vomiting in a dog

This process is definitely not pleasant, but even it has its positive aspects. First of all, vomiting is a defense mechanism, thanks to the “start” of which the body is released from toxic and toxic substances.

  • In the vast majority of cases, vomiting is preceded by nausea, which affects the behavior and well-being of the animal:
  • the dog rumbles loudly in the abdominal cavity, periodically there is a loud belching;
  • the animal licks its face more often than usual;
  • the pet moves chaotically around the apartment, thus showing its anxiety;
  • complete / partial refusal to eat, including dry food;
  • profuse salivation.

Often, before vomiting, an animal has other disorders in the functioning of the digestive system, for example, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

Note! Many dog ​​breeders cannot tell if the animal is vomiting or vomiting. In the first case, the food is already digested and comes out in the form of a rare slurry. In the second case, the products have not yet been processed, and whole pieces of food are taken out.



Vernon Dog Training
Vernon Dog Training

Written by Vernon Dog Training

Vernon has spent the last 40+ years around animals. He grew up on a farm which had all types of animals. For more see

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