Miniature Husky Full Grown | Alaskan Klee Kai Husky

“The Miniature Husky Full Grown will grow to 16 inches and weigh up to 35 pounds as an adult. So, their size is much smaller than the standard Siberian Husky.”

Vernon Dog Training
19 min readFeb 7, 2021

Miniature Husky Full Grown are the darlings of the dog world! Everyone’s obsessed with their wolf-like appearance. But, not everyone can get a standard sized Husky. That’s why the Miniature Husky exists!

The Miniature Husky Full Grown is a smaller version of the Standard Siberian Husky

Author: Vernon Mclean

Miniature Husky Full Grown — Thesis Short Version

The Miniature Husky Full Grown is divided into three varieties by height:

  • Toy: up to 33 cm.
  • Miniature: 33–38 cm.
  • Standard: 38–43 cm.

The weight of a Miniature Husky Full Grown ranges from 4.3 to 10 kg depending on the height in the withers. In general, it is a harmonious dog with strong front and hind legs, especially strong hips. The body length is slightly longer than the height, so it seems a little elongated. The head is wide enough, but not round and not flat, the muzzle looks like a wide wedge, narrows to the nose. Ears are necessarily triangular and standing, and their ends are slightly rounded. The tail, unlike the Siberian husky, twists into the ring and rests on the back or sides, it can not be straight or too high set.

The color of wool in the representatives of the breed can be black-white, gray-white or red. The average lifespan of a dog is 14 years.

Despite the bias towards this breed, many of the Miniature Husky Full Grown has many positive traits. They always treat their master with trepidation and tenderness. They are agility and sometimes excessive activity. Loyalty to the owner is expressed in the constant desire to protect him from danger. In the form of guards, they are weak, but can warn their masters through barking.

Breed Characteristics — Miniature Husky Full Grown

Size: 13–17 inches.

Weight: 20–35lb.

Lifetime: 12–14 years.

Coat: Double coat of medium length.

Color: Lots of different colors and blends of white, black, red, brown and saber.

Temperament: Naughty, loyal and outgoing.

Intelligence: Highly.

Socialization: Independent but very sociable with humans and other dogs.

Destructive behavior: He becomes destructive if he gets bored and if he doesn’t exercise properly.

People’s skills: They can be stubborn but friendly.

Good with children: Yes

Activity levels: Very high energy level.

History Of The Miniature Husky Full Grown

The Miniature Husky was bred in Wasilla, Alaska, from the early 1970s until 1988 by Linda S. Spurlin and her family. The breed was originally obtained by crossing Siberian huskies, Alaskan huskies, and they were also added to the barks and American Eskimo dogs to reduce the size of the breed without signs of dwarfism. She was engaged in breeding as a private owner, and in the late eighties allowed to use the genus for general breeding. The subsequent unification of the genus occurred after the breed was recognized by clubs and associations for rare breeds. The Miniature Husky, or dwarf husky, better known as the Alaskan Klee-kai was officially recognized by the American Rare Breed Association in 1995. The United Kennel Club (UKC) recognized this breed on January 1, 1997.

Miniature Husky Full Grown or Other Dog Problems..??? We have a Solution for You….

So you’re reading this page because your dog is doing something you don’t like — some behavior you want him to do differently — or simply stop doing:

😩 Housebreaking “accidents”

😩 Barks too much

😩 Jumps on people

😩 Chews on your hands

😩 Constantly seeks attention

😩 Pulls on the leash

😩 Aggressive toward people or other dogs

😩 Chews on the furniture or your belongings

😩 Did I mention housebreaking “accidents”

The list goes on???

“How can I stop my dog from….?”

One of the most common questions dog owners ask me is: “How can I stop my dog from (doing some specific behavior problem)?”

But before you start pulling your hair out, take a moment to step back. Yep, you’re probably not in your neighbor’s good books right now. No, you’re not going to be able to let the problem go on forever. And sure, you might have some work in front of you.

But hang on this is do-able……

When a dog jumps or barks, it’s for a reason. Understand that reason, and you’re already well on your way to finding a solution.

So, let’s cut to the chase. If you’re sick of questioning his behavior problems, it’s time to find out exactly what you can do to put an end to both.

WATCH VIDEO: Discover How To Quickly Stop This Behavior Using Simple, Yet Highly Effective Exercises…

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Simple, Yet Highly Effective Exercises…

External Characteristics — Miniature Husky Full Grown

A.The Miniature Husky Full Grown is characterized by the following external signs:

  1. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is moderate. The skull has a wedge-formed shape, and the muzzle is narrowed to the nose.
  2. The size of the muzzle is equal to the size of the head from the occipital to the forehead. The lower jaws do not stand out. The lip is predominantly black, but let’s say a lighter, hepatic color for dogs of red-white suits.
  3. The nose is predominantly black, but white inclusions are allowed (snow, in lighter suits — dark gray.
  4. The medium-sized eyes are planted a little obliquely. Coloring of the cornea is different, and can combine different shades. The incision of the eyes is either almond-shaped, or oval or round. The rim around the eyes should be black, and the light suits should be dark gray.
  5. Ears are triangular upright, the tips are rounded, positioned perpendicular to the head. Thickly covered with wool. They look big relative to the head.
  6. Body structure: medium-sized cervical section arched and raised. While running, the dog stretches the neck so that the head is parallel to the torso. The top line, from the withers and the front of the sternum, is straight. The sternum itself is wide oval in shape, slightly protruding behind the front paw line. Krup is powerful. The lumbar department is shortened and powerful, the groin is flat and already chest.
  7. The front paws are flat, the shoulders go back at an angle, about 100 degrees relative to the shoulder blades. The stumps are shortened, slightly tilted, are strong and flexible.
  8. The hind limbs are slightly divorced, the shin and plus form a small angle relative to the heels and hock joints, which form a 90-degree angle relative to the ground.
  9. Paws form an oval and have a thick wool cover. The pads are thick and dense.
  10. The tail is fluffy and wrapped in a pretzel. The tip is painted in a darker tone.
  11. The wool cover is double. The pile in the neck is longer than on the body and forms a gate. The undercoat is thick and tender, and serves as a support for the top layer of wool.

B.Psychological Characteristics — Miniature Husky Full Grown

Although the appearance of Miniature Husky Full Grown is very similar to huskies, the nature of these breeds have significant differences:

  1. Miniature Husky is fun and loves to participate in games, never refuse to have fun in the fresh air or take part in long walks;
  2. The dog does not cope well with loneliness, so this breed is not suitable for those who are absent all day at home;
  3. Miniature Husky do not bark, and communicate with the owner, and some sounds the dogs make are very similar to human talk, it is also possible to note the vocal abilities of dogs of this breed and also very funny the art of washing themselves with their front paws, like cats;
  4. The dog is very affectionate and obedient in a group or family, and will keep guard with strangers;
  5. Well-trained, memorizing many commands and performing them with pleasure;
  6. Can easily live in an apartment and in a country house;
  7. Does not conflict with other pets. They get along well with children, never showing any signs of aggression.

Intelligent and Pleasant Temperament — Miniature Husky Full Grown

At first glance, the Miniature Husky Full Grown gives the impression of an intelligent animal that moves naturally and understands everything around it. Although in the past it was used almost exclusively for tracking purposes, due to its beauty, intelligence and good and cheerful nature, it is increasingly becoming more popular.

The Miniature Husky gets along great with people, and they especially like small children. In the presence of a child he will probably try to warm them up or entertain them. They respond ok to strangers and are generally not aggressive, but will be cautious if you are also cautious. If a Miniature Husky sees that it can trust a stranger, he will quickly surrender. It is not safe to leave it with other small animals such as cats.

He is very energetic during a game and rarely aware of his size, so when you play games you should be careful, especially when close to a small child. It needs to play games, also a lot of movement and a lot of owner attention. They are stubborn, very strong for their size, so when training miniature huskies from an early age, you work hard on showing them that you are dominant. They normally live in packs, so if you do not make them aware that they’re not the leader of the ‘pack’, you could have problems. If you don’t meet their needs for running and playing, they will most likely become restless, destructive, and depressed.

These dogs don’t bark, they are mostly quiet. Howls can be heard causing people to immediately associate them with wolves. Their howls can be heard several kilometres away.

Subtleties of Care — Miniature Husky Full Grown

The Miniature Husky Full Grown is not difficult to care for. These dogs are clean and rarely end up dirty. Many members of the breed spend about an hour and a half on their hygiene daily. They do not have a pronounced dog smell and normally no bad breath. The only thing they can not clean, it’s paws, when there is wet and dirty weather.

  1. When caring for a miniature husky, you should adhere to some simple principles:
  2. The Miniature Husky Full Grown is not prone to diseases and is not allergic.
  3. Due to the rare molting, the wool should be combed out as needed. To avoid oral diseases, you need to replace rubber toys every now and then.
  4. Ears are a weak spot, so it is worth paying more attention to them.
  5. The food should be varied, because mini huskies along with an active lifestyle can rest half a day. The diet should include both dry and wet food, vitamins in the form of treats and vegetables.
  6. Twice a year you should cut their claws.
  7. Because of the thick undercoat, the miniature husky does not need additional warm clothes in winter. And for the same reason should not be under direct sunlight in the summer for a long time to prevent overheating.

Character and Upbringing — Miniature Husky Full Grown

Some of the Miniature Huskies are cheerful and energetic, but not showing a predisposition to war and endless running. They love to play with different toys, to practice on sports, but most of all they like to spend time with the owner. Miniature Huskies is a cross between active terriers and quiet chow chows. They managed to gather the following qualities and characteristics:

  • Loyalty;
  • Distrust of outsiders;
  • Lack of malice and aggression;
  • Stress resistance
  • Learning.

These pets are unpretentious, largely due to a strong nervous system and thick wool. They do not need to wear any extras in winter or in the rain, the moisture will not get to their skin, and they’re also not scared of frost for the very same reason. They are happy to walk for several hours, but if they live in a house, then from the yard they will come to eat, sleep and check the situation in the dwelling. Miniature Huskies will not run to a stranger with joyful barking and a desire to get a little bit of affection, this dog will gently sniff and will not allow any companionship. But it will never bite, but will simply step aside and look out for potential danger.

For the same reason, it is valued for its watchdog qualities, it copes perfectly with the function of a small dog. If a child grew up with such a pet, there will be no problems in communication between them. Miniature Huskies are adapted to life in a pack, in foreign nurseries they are often kept in spacious enclosures with other dogs and would live together without judging relationships and instigating fights.

This breed is suitable for active people, home-owners find it difficult to maintain an optimal balanced life with these pets because they are active and love their games. But a responsible and active teenager can cope with the upbringing and care of a small and energetic dog. Miniature Huskies need to walk, play games and socialize with other dogs. Therefore, future owners need to expect that playtime could mean a 1.5 hour break in the afternoon, and maybe also some in the morning — around 30 minutes. Many owners note that miniature huskies like to talk, silently pronouncing words-like sounds, attracting the attention of a person or begging for goodies.

Food and Menu — Miniature Husky Full Grown

The Miniature Husky has a fast metabolism due to their small size and mobility. This in many ways forms their diet and diet. Since the weight of the Miniature Husky and the growth vary greatly, there are no specific portion sizes. The standard formula for Full Grown adults is: 3.5% protein of total weight. For example, a dog weighing 10 kg should receive 350 grams of meat or dairy products. For puppies up to 6 months the ratio is different — up to 7%, but they get food more often for normal growth and digestion. The approximate menu of an Miniature Husky Full Grown looks like this:

  • Meat products: 60% of the total daily serving.
  • Dairy products: 20%.
  • Cereals: 10%.
  • Vegetables, fruits and greens: 10%.

Meat for this breed of dog is suitable lean, chicken or turkey are well digested and give enough nutrients, but not excluded and beef, occasionally sea fish. Miniature Huskies are happy to eat kidneys or raw liver but it can disrupt digestion. Dairy products are also recommended: cottage cheese, rye. From cereals choose the least allergenic and the most useful: rice and buckwheat.

Helps in brushing teeth and vitaminizing carrots, green apple, pumpkin, and parsley is indispensable in the winter-autumn period. They are given fresh or steamed. It is better to remove Onions and Cabbage from the menu of the Miniature Husky.

The right food for Miniature Husky Full Grown:

Whether small or large, every dog appreciates it when meaty food gets into its feeding bowl. And pet’s health will also benefit from food with a high proportion of Meat / Protein. Make sure that the meat is always at the top of the food decoration, regardless of whether it is dry or wet food you offer to your dog. With puppies of smaller breeds, including Miniature Husky, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for feeding and include delicacies and snacks in their daily food intake. If you are doing a lot of pet training and prefer to encourage food intake, it is especially recommended that dry food croquettes be used to reward them. So your little dog will work for food without exceeding the permissible calorie limits. Smaller chewing bones or dried tripe fragments are excellent for treating, but always give them to the dog under supervision! Also, make sure that the animal always has enough fresh drinking water. If you want to go on longer trips with your pet in the summer, take a water bottle!

Important Nutrients for your Miniature Husky Full Grown:

Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements are the main nutrients that must enter the dog’s body through its food. They provide him with energy and ensure that his vital functions remain healthy. In contrast, missing nutrients can put a heavy strain on the whole body, bones, muscles and internal organs, as well as lead to diseases.


Undoubtedly, protein is the most important source of energy for your dog. Amino acids in protein are vital. Meat is a particularly excellent source of protein. Therefore, it is advisable to feed the dog at least 70% of meat. Basically, it can be almost any kind of meat: beef, lamb, pig, rabbit or poultry. Among offal, liver, heart, kidney, spleen are recommended. The dog’s high need for meat is no accident, since it is a direct descendant of the wolf, so it is one of the carnivorous predators. Its strong teeth and chewing muscles, relatively short intestinal tract and particularly aggressive digestive fluids are the perfect “tools” for meat consumption. It is important that the meat is not cooked, as the protein content becomes denatured and unusable. Fresh, raw meat has the highest protein content. As an alternative to meat, fish may be given once or twice a week. It is also recommended to serve as freshly as possible, as it contains the most unsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible protein and vitamin D in this form. Salmon, cod, redfish, anchovies, crustaceans or shrimp are among the fish species.


Unsaturated fatty acids from fish are of great importance as they contribute to improving the protection against inflammation and the immune system. Dogs primarily need omega-3 fatty acids of animal origin, but omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oils are also important, which is usually sufficiently found in meats. Oils are essential to absorb important vitamins in your pet’s body. Therefore, it is always worth watering vegetables with a little animal oil, such as salmon oil. In order to avoid overweight four-legged food, the fat content of the food should be significantly less than its protein or carbohydrate content. In addition, nuts contain natural fatty acids, which is recommended only when grated or ground.


Carbohydrates found in potatoes and grains, which is not a vital nutrient for dogs. Most of the food available in pet shops contains carbohydrates, so it is not necessary to give them separately. If you only feed your dog raw food, it is best to feed it to your dog in flakes such as oats or millet flakes.

4.Vitamins and trace elements

Your dog’s diet should contain vitamins and trace elements, which are found primarily in vegetables, fruits and herbs. Nutrients interact with each other, which means that one is often needed for the other to be absorbed. Therefore, we do not recommend a one-sided diet, so do not give meat to your pet, for example. It is ideal if a dog eats about 25% of vegetables and fruits with 70% meat and only about 5% grain. Celery, carrots, courgettes, pumpkins or domestic fruits such as apples, pears or other berries may be brought to the meat when grated or lightly cooked.


Calcium is found primarily in milk and dairy products. However, an overdose of calcium can be dangerous, especially in dogs that are not yet fully developed. Therefore, it is advisable not to include milk on the menu of adult dogs or only to a very small extent. Cow’s milk is a particularly unsuitable ingredient, as it rarely leads to allergies or other intolerance.

Possible Diseases — Miniature Husky Full Grown

Since the removal of this species, no genetic defects have been identified, which means that there are no characteristic diseases in Miniature Huskies. However, there is always a risk of contracting canine sores such as cystitis, diarrhea, fleas, lichens, colds and poisoning.

Very rarely can a blood disease be detected, where a lethal outcome would be inevitable, if no action is taken in terms of treatment. But it’s more of an exception to the rule.

Despite excellent health, it is still necessary to vaccinate Miniature Huskies. The first planned comprehensive vaccination is carried out by the breeder, when the puppy reaches the age of 8–9 weeks, and the second — after 3–4 weeks.

Subsequent preventive vaccinations are carried out at a year’s interval.

The vaccine includes products capable of resisting dog ailments such as parvovirus (hemorrhagic) enteritis, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis, plague and rabies.

Pros and Cons — Miniature Husky Full Grown

The Miniature Husky Full Grown looks very similar to the Siberian husky: black and white, gray-white, brown-white or pure white, blue eyes. Among the Miniature Husky there are also “harlequins”, in which one eye is blue and the other is amber or brown. The differences are in the shorter face, large ears and tail raised ring, like a rough one. And, of course, the size — the height of these dogs on the withers can be from 32 to 45 centimeters.Of course, such a dog is much easier to keep in an urban environment than large dogs. This baby inherited its best qualities from the Huskies: it does not freeze even with a hard frost, does not require a haircut, does not bark, loves children very much, trains easily. Miniature Husky is a very mobile and energetic dog, a little prone to diseases. Almost odorless and rarely causes allergies. But twice a year, like Siberian huskies, they take a shower and require special care for wool during this period.

Of course, such a dog is much easier to keep in an urban environment than large dogs. This baby inherited its best qualities from the Huskies: it does not freeze even with a hard frost, does not require a haircut, does not bark, loves children very much, trains easily. Miniature Husky is a very mobile and energetic dog, a little prone to diseases. Almost odorless and rarely causes allergies. But twice a year, like Siberian huskies, they take a shower and require special care for wool during this period.

The main disadvantage of this dog is its price, which is not affordable to all. The first puppies in the Russian kennel were born only in October 2013. In American nurseries, the cost of a Miniature Husky can be as high as $5,000.

When choosing a pet one should take into account that it is a very active breed, which requires daily long walks and games, as well as a lot of attention. Miniature Husky can’t stand to be alone. But on the other hand, this little copy of Husky will reward you with its dedication and give you a lot of positive emotions.

Would he be a Good Pet — Miniature Husky Full Grown?

Yes, Miniature Husky Full Grown makes a great pet, but only for the rightful owner.

Although they are friendly and loving, they are not a good choice for novice dog owners and less active people.

The ideal owner of a Miniature Husky Full Grown will be an active, open person who can provide the dog with enough places to walk, run and plenty of time to participate in joint activities.

A bored Miniature Husky Full Grown that’s left alone (inside or outside) is a recipe for disaster.

A Miniature Husky needs active and engaged owners, as well as a lot of training and socialization to avoid bad habits, including running and more running!

A Miniature Husky is an ideal companion that you will have alongside you on all kinds of open adventures and sports such as backpacking, running, walking and all other kinds of physical activities.

5 Fun Facts About a Miniature Husky Full Grown

  • Husky almond-shaped eyes allow them to squint and keep snow out of their eyes.
  • They are very good escape artists.
  • One of the few breeds of dog with penetrating blue eyes.
  • Due to their double layer, they can withstand extremely cold weather.
  • They are very loud and like to howl.

Power of Love — Miniature Husky Full Grown

Although Alaskan Miniature Husky Full Grown likes to be in the ring, Linda S. Spurlin emphasized in her publications that the primary purpose of human-created dog breeds is not to perform at exhibitions, but to enrich human life. Today, the Miniature Husky fulfills its useful mission as a therapy dog in hospitals for incurable patients and in nursing homes, and is also a welcome and successful breed of dog in agility games. It is also bought by many people who are enchanted by the mystical northern beauty of the husky, but do not take on the sporty lifestyle and reinforced fence that comes with it.

The Miniature Husky gives them the northern illusion while remaining a pleasant matured, obedient and easy-to-use social dog. With his kind nature, he warms people’s hearts, gives love, and receives love in return, but he is not suitable for all people. If you choose a dog, you need to know the characteristics of the breed, your own housing situation, your rhythm of life and your free time with your dog number. You must find a dog that you can love and care for with all your soul from the beginning until the end arrives. is wishing you all the best with these training methods!

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Vernon Dog Training
Vernon Dog Training

Written by Vernon Dog Training

Vernon has spent the last 40+ years around animals. He grew up on a farm which had all types of animals. For more see

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